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B.M. Allsopp
Feb 15, 20212 min read
Cyclone Yasa batters Fiji
Cyclone Yasa Four years ago, I reported here about Fiji's recovery from 2016's Cyclone Winston, the most devastating cyclone in Fiji's...

B.M. Allsopp
Jan 14, 20213 min read
Mysterious settings
I was thrilled and a bit awed when Sisters in Crime Australia (SICA) invited me to write a blog post about the setting for my...

B.M. Allsopp
Dec 13, 20202 min read
Coconut Christmas: a Fiji twist
An easy recipe and a glorious Christmas chorus... I'm a sentimental traditionalist when it comes to Christmas food, particularly...

B.M. Allsopp
Oct 25, 20202 min read
Fiji celebrates 50 years
Today I don't intend to analyse or discuss the current challenges facing Fiji. I simply want to congratulate...

B.M. Allsopp
Oct 14, 20203 min read
Fiji's Indian story
Many visitors to Fiji are curious about the origin of the current large population of ethnic Indians (around 37 percent) in the middle...

B.M. Allsopp
Jul 13, 20202 min read
Fiji in July: Covid-19 update
Three months ago I reported Fiji had 16 confirmed Covid-19 cases, all traced to two sources. There had been no deaths. Three months later, a

B.M. Allsopp
Jun 14, 20202 min read
Strangers in Paradise: Fiji's feral foes
Mammals of Fiji
1. How many native land-mammal species does Fiji have?
2. These species all belong to one mammal class. Any guesses?

B.M. Allsopp
May 16, 20202 min read
Fiji fishing: the one that got away?
How much fresh fish do you eat in a year? I know I don't eat nearly as much as coastal Fijians. The most recent survey I can find

B.M. Allsopp
Apr 15, 20202 min read
How Fiji copes: Covid-19 and Harold
When I posted a month ago, no cases of Covid-19 had been identified in Fiji. Inevitably, this has changed. There are now 16 confirmed cases

B.M. Allsopp
Mar 15, 20203 min read
Fiji's viral epidemics
The CoVid-19 pandemic is now demonstrating the meaning of "going viral" around the globe and has certainly overtaken the global media.

B.M. Allsopp
Feb 15, 20202 min read
Vijay Singh: Fiji's PGA star
it may come as a surprise that Fiji's most world-famous, most successful and most enduring sports star is the golfer, Vijay Singh, nicknamed

B.M. Allsopp
Jan 12, 20202 min read
My fiery New Year in Australia
Since the disastrous bush fires in Australia are headline news around the world, I have been touched by emails from readers...

B.M. Allsopp
Dec 15, 20192 min read
Christmas cake and carols
Christmas in Fiji In the scatter of islands which make up Fiji, the indigenous Fijian majority share a deep Christian faith, so Christmas...

B.M. Allsopp
Nov 15, 20192 min read
Sweet and sour: Fiji's sugar story
The Hindu festival of Diwali ended in Fiji a week ago. What is the principal ingredient of the mouth-watering sweets made, given and...

B.M. Allsopp
Oct 18, 20192 min read
Talking the talk: languages of Fiji
Three official languages Fiji has a population of about 900,000 spread over 300 islands, yet has three official languages: Fijian, Fijian...

B.M. Allsopp
Sep 6, 20193 min read
Fiji's national passion: rugby
Fiji ranks 9th in the World! With the Rugby World Cup due to kick off in Japan in just two weeks, it's time I enlightened you about the...

B.M. Allsopp
Jul 17, 20192 min read
Fiji's favourite pudding recipe
DS Singh's favourite pudding! Detective Sergeant Susie Singh, Horseman's invaluable partner in my Fiji Islands Mysteries, never misses a...

B.M. Allsopp
Jun 23, 20193 min read
Greater love: Fiji's Victoria Cross hero
He laid down his life for his friends. In 1969, Fiji issued a stamp to mark the 25 years since Corporal Sefanaia Sukanaivalu V.C....

B.M. Allsopp
May 18, 20192 min read
Fiji's Pacific warriors
I've told you a little about the fearsome Fijian warriors of pre-colonial times, but you might not know that their descendants punched...

B.M. Allsopp
Apr 20, 20192 min read
Sleeping tears: Fiji's national flower
Not many Fijians have seen a tagimaucia, beloved as the national flower of their island nation. This is not surprising as the tagimaucia...
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