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B.M. Allsopp
Mar 1, 20191 min read
Fiji faces: fashion or war-paint?
I want to share with you the engraving below by Rev. Thomas Williams in his 1858 landmark work of anthropology, Fiji and the Fijians. I'm...

B.M. Allsopp
Jan 28, 20192 min read
Creamy Fiji fish soup with coconut
Whatever your weather, you'll want more of this soup! It's hardly surprising that many traditional Fiji ingredients come from that...

B.M. Allsopp
Dec 16, 20182 min read
A Fiji Island Christmas
What's different in Fiji? In the scatter of islands which make up Fiji, the indigenous Fijian majority share a deep Christian faith, so...

B.M. Allsopp
Nov 3, 20182 min read
Diwali with a Fiji twist
Why is my sweet tooth nagging a little now it's November? No, it's not a Hallowe'en hangover, but anticipation of Diwali, the annual...

B.M. Allsopp
Sep 15, 20182 min read
Fiji: your paradise vacation
In the wake of the August release of Death by Tradition, my second Fiji Islands Mystery, several of you have told me that Fiji is now top...

B.M. Allsopp
Jul 30, 20184 min read
Chiefly - an adjective unique to Fiji?
In the last few weeks, I've been humbled by the generosity of readers who volunteered to read an advance proof of Death by Tradition, the...

B.M. Allsopp
Jun 30, 20182 min read
An American in Fiji
How did a respectable Bostonian lady come to be living in a Fijian village in the 1840s? These were violent years of inter-tribal wars,...

B.M. Allsopp
Apr 30, 20182 min read
Houses, Fiji style
For the last few weeks, I've been writing an article about a beautiful Sydney house known locally as Ashfield Castle. It has involved way...

B.M. Allsopp
Mar 25, 20182 min read
Fiji Police: the best-dressed in the world?
First-time visitors to Fiji may be a little surprised at first to see men in skirts, but not for long. Before they even leave the...

B.M. Allsopp
Feb 28, 20182 min read
Tripping over Fiji body talk - 2
It's 28th February - just in time to keep my vow to write a new post every month in 2018. Whew! Vinaka (thanks) to readers who told me...

B.M. Allsopp
Jan 26, 20181 min read
Tripping over Fiji body talk - 1
Relating all my slip-ups and pitfalls with Fiji body language would fill a slim volume - now that's an idea! So in this post I'll tell...

B.M. Allsopp
Dec 4, 20172 min read
A Fiji festive recipe to try
Fijians love a feast! Readers of Death on Paradise Island have told me they enjoyed hearing about Fijian food. One said she couldn't wait...

B.M. Allsopp
Aug 27, 20172 min read
Fiji: a no-go zone?
Yes, indeed! Two centuries ago, mariners dreaded these lovely islands. In 1789 Captain William Bligh, set adrift in an open boat by...

B.M. Allsopp
May 31, 20172 min read
Trials of an Indie-author #1
"No one told me it would be like this!" The novelist wailed as she hurled her computer through the window. The cat sleeping beneath...

B.M. Allsopp
Mar 3, 20172 min read
FIJI - 12 months on from Cyclone Winston
I won't talk about books today. Instead, my topic is a 4-page A-4 full colour Red Cross newsletter the postman just delivered.
Why revi

B.M. Allsopp
Feb 28, 20173 min read
5 crime reads to love on Valentine's Day
chosen by B.M. Allsopp, February 14th, 2017 Progress Report: I stopped work on Fiji Islands Mysteries 2 in December as I had a lovely...

B.M. Allsopp
Dec 31, 20162 min read
News at New Year from B.M. Allsopp
My Family Christmas 2016 I’ve hugely enjoyed Christmas this year – the first in three years when all three children have been in Sydney...

B.M. Allsopp
Dec 5, 20162 min read
Novel News from B.M. ALLSOPP
What have I been up to since went live in September? Launch of Death on Paradise Island On 23rd October an event...
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